Blueprint for Strategic Victory

Blueprint for Strategic Victory

Pillar 1: Reimagine the Endless Frontier

American global leadership will stand or fall on its innovation power. Our leaders must position the nation to spearhead efforts to explore the frontiers of AI and emerging technologies. This requires creating and executing national programs for U.S. leadership, supporting and funding an expansive innovation ecosystem, building a new form of public-private partnership around an ambitious national technology strategy, and modernizing our governing institutions for the innovation age. 

Furthermore, by articulating a united vision and by presenting a concrete and coherent strategy that allows us to lead in fields like next-generation AI (including AGI), biotechnology, advanced networks, advanced computing, next-generation energy, and advanced manufacturing, we can supercharge our economy and ensure that these transformative technologies are harnessed for the cause of freedom.

Pillar 2: Restore Peace and Security through AI and Emerging Technologies

With adversaries increasingly intent on upending the world order, the United States has a vital role to play in upholding peace, security, and democratic principles. AI and other emerging technologies will offer powerful tools to enhance our capabilities across the board. But relying on technology alone will not be enough. In order to meet our objectives, we must also fortify our alliances, strengthen and fund our military, revamp our intelligence services, build new partnerships, and create international forums to address the complex challenges posed by emerging technologies. Modernizing our military and diplomatic capabilities will ensure America maintains its global leadership role.

Pillar 3: Catalyze Enduring Economic Advantage in the AI Era

Economic performance is the bedrock of our national strength and global influence. The AI era presents unprecedented opportunities for economic growth, job creation, and societal advancement. By leveraging our innovation ecosystem, entrepreneurial spirit, and skilled workforce, we can secure a competitive edge in strategic technology sectors and create new sources of prosperity for all Americans.

Revitalizing our techno-industrial base and advanced manufacturing capabilities is essential to this vision. We will also need to invest in research and development, incentivize domestic production, and strengthen critical supply chains. By doing so, we will not only create jobs and bolster our economy, but also give America the resources and independence needed to meet the threat of PRC and other disruptors.

We need to embrace the future with confidence and determination. By adopting a techno-industrial strategy, we can ensure that the United States has the means to remain at the forefront of the 21st century.


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